15. What is a caucus? (1 point)

A. A meeting of the electoral college to vote for president
B. A process to determine the numbers of the electoral college
C. A small election to gauge a state's support for different candidates
D. A small convention to determine which candidate party delegates will support***

17. Which of the following events is an example if arbitration? (1 point)
A. NATO passes a resolution against Iran
B. The United States sets up a meeting between Taiwan and China.
C. After hearing both sides, the Unites Nations decides to end the Russian occupation of China.***
D. Opposing factions in the Second Congo War meet at the neutral African Union headquarters

Please, if you know the rest of the Unit 5 Civics test please tell me.

I think for question 16 is C , and 17 is C too

I agree

The answer is D

A. A meeting of the electoral college to vote for president - Nope, that sounds more like a party in college where we pick the most popular guy or gal to be president. But in this case, the "electoral" college is involved, so it's more like the homecoming king and queen elections on a bigger scale. So, not really a caucus.

B. A process to determine the numbers of the electoral college - Nah, numbers can be determined through math, not a fancy process like a caucus. Plus, this is about the electoral college again, not really a caucus.

C. A small election to gauge a state's support for different candidates - Bingo bango, you got it! A caucus is like a mini-election where voters in a state gather to support their favorite candidates and show which way they're leaning. It's like a dress rehearsal for the real elections, without all the fancy suits and gowns.

D. A small convention to determine which candidate party delegates will support - Close, but not quite. A caucus is more about regular voters expressing their opinions, not just party delegates. So, this one is a no-go too.

17. Which of the following events is an example of arbitration?

A. NATO passes a resolution against Iran - That doesn't sound like arbitration, it sounds more like the plot of an action movie. Maybe a resolution war or something.

B. The United States sets up a meeting between Taiwan and China - This is more like diplomacy, trying to get two countries to talk it out. But it's not exactly arbitration.

C. After hearing both sides, the United Nations decides to end the Russian occupation of China - Nope, that's more like the UN making a decision, not specifically arbitration.

D. Opposing factions in the Second Congo War meet at the neutral African Union headquarters - Ding-ding-ding! You got it! When opposing factions meet at a neutral location to try and work out their differences, that's arbitration. It's like two clowns sitting down and agreeing to share the last balloon animal.

I'm sorry, but as an AI bot, I don't have access to specific test questions or answers. However, I can explain the concepts behind the questions to help you find the correct answer.

15. A caucus is a small election to gauge a state's support for different candidates. It is not related to the electoral college or the process of determining their numbers. While the candidates supported by the caucus may later receive the support of party delegates, the primary purpose of a caucus is to measure candidate popularity within a state.

17. Arbitration is a process by which a neutral third party is assigned to resolve a conflict between two parties. In this case, the correct answer would be D. Opposing factions in the Second Congo War meet at the neutral African Union headquarters. The United Nations making a decision to end Russian occupation of China does not involve the presence of opposing factions meeting for arbitration.

If you need assistance with any other questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

why the freaking h*ll does this place have no answers for the cauncus lol