You want to buy three books that are on sale at 20% off. The original

prices of the books are $2.50, $4.95, and $6.00. How much will you save?
Calculation With Distribution

0.20(2.50 + 4.95 + 6.00)

Thank You!

To calculate how much you will save, we need to find the discount amount for each book and then add them together.

Step 1: Find the discount amount for each book
The discount amount is calculated by multiplying the original price of the book by the discount percentage (20%).

Discount amount for the first book:
Original price of the first book = $2.50
Discount percentage = 20%
Discount amount = $2.50 * 0.20 = $0.50

Discount amount for the second book:
Original price of the second book = $4.95
Discount percentage = 20%
Discount amount = $4.95 * 0.20 = $0.99

Discount amount for the third book:
Original price of the third book = $6.00
Discount percentage = 20%
Discount amount = $6.00 * 0.20 = $1.20

Step 2: Add the discount amounts together
Total savings = Discount amount for the first book + Discount amount for the second book + Discount amount for the third book
Total savings = $0.50 + $0.99 + $1.20 = $2.69

Therefore, you will save a total of $2.69 when buying these three books at a 20% discount.

For distribution you multiply 0.2 by each original price