if anyone has the answers to unit7 lesson 4 quiz grade 8 that would be very helpful I am just trying to get some help with it i want to check my answers before i submit it.

I'm sorry, but as an AI, I don't have access to specific quiz answers. However, I can help guide you in finding solutions to the questions on the quiz. Here's a suggested approach you can follow:

1. Review the lesson material: Make sure you have a good understanding of the topics covered in the lesson. Take note of any important concepts, formulas, or examples provided.

2. Use your textbook or class notes: Look back at the relevant sections of your textbook or your class notes. Often, the quiz questions are based on the material covered in these resources.

3. Seek online resources: Search for online educational resources that cover the topics in the quiz. Websites such as Khan Academy, Quizlet, or educational YouTube channels may provide helpful explanations and practice problems that align with your quiz.

4. Collaborate with classmates: Reach out to your classmates for study groups or discussion forums. Sharing ideas and comparing answers with others can help you identify any areas of confusion and gain a deeper understanding of the material.

5. Ask your teacher for clarification: If you're still unsure about specific questions or concepts, don't hesitate to ask your teacher for help. They can offer guidance and further explanations to ensure your understanding.

Remember, it's essential to learn from the material rather than simply seeking the answers. Gaining a thorough understanding of the material will benefit you in the long run and help improve your overall performance.