Bamboo plants grow rapidly. A bamboo plant is 130 inches tall. Tomorrow it will be 143 inches tall, the next day it will be 156 inches tall, and on the next day it will be 169 inches tall. Write a rule to represent the height of the bamboo plant as an arithmetic sequence. How tall will the plant be in 12 days?

A. A(n)=130+(n-1)13; 273 inches
B. A(n)=130+(n+1)13; 299 inches *My Choice*
C. A(n)= 13n; 156 inches
D. A(n)= 12n; 144 inches

Am I correct? If not, can you teach me where I went wrong?

to 'confused person', you looked this up too so . . .

should be A

when n=1, the first day, no multiples of 13 are added.

Some Person: Walking W

Confused person: Walking & Living L

Bigdaddychula: memer

Who know the answers to the whole test

i give up

name matches up quite well

Introduction to Functions: Functions Unit Test (unit 5, lesson 9)

November 14th, 2022

1. A zoo is keeping track of the weight of a baby elephant. The table shows the weight for the first, second, third, and fourth weeks. Which graph could represent the data shown in the table?
Week | Weight
1 138
2 159
3 175
4 185
C: (it kinda looks like a hill, not a straight line)

2. An ice cream shop is keeping track of its monthly sales in the fall. The table shows the number of ticket sales for the first, second, third, fourth months. Which graph could represent the table?
Month | Sales
1 1,376
2 1,045
3 912
4 850
Answer: D

3. In the diagram below, what is the relationship between the number of rectangles and the perimeter of the figure they form?
# of rectangles | perimeter
1 16
2 20
3 24

4. The table below shows the relationship between the number of members in a group and the minutes each member speaks during the presentation.
Members | Minutes
2 11
3 8
4 5
5 2
Is the relationship a function that is increasing or decreasing? Is the relationship a function that is linear or nonlinear?
C: decreasing, linear

5. The ordered pairs (1,1), (2,6), (3, 81), (4, 256), and (5, 625) represent a function. What is a rule that represents this function?
C: y=x^4

6. Bananas are on sale for $0.40 a pound, and you have a coupon for $0.25 off your total purchase. Write a function rule for the cost of n pounds. How much would 30 pounds of bananas cost?
C: C(n)=0.4n-0.25; $11.75

7. Identify the mapping diagram that represents the relation and determine whether the relation is a function.
{(-2,-4), (-1,-4), (3,-4), (6,-4)}
B: the relation is a function

8. Identify the mapping diagram that represents the relation and determine whether the relation is a function.
{(-2,-5), (-1,-3), (-2,6), (5,7)}
B: This relation is not a function

9. The function b(n)=6n represents the number of light bulbs b(n) that are needed for n chandeliers. How many light bulbs are needed for 15 chandeliers?
A: 90 light bulbs

10. Tell whether the sequence is arithmetic. If it is, what is the common difference?
2, 7, 13, 20...
D: no

11. Tell whether the sequence is arithmetic. If it is, what is the common difference?
20, 11, 2, -7
B: yes, -9

12. Bamboo plants grow rapidly. A bamboo plant is 130 inches tall. Tomorrow it will be 143 inches tall, the next day it will be 156 inches tall, and on the next day it will be 169 inches tall. Write a rule to represent the height of the bamboo plant as an arithmetic sequence. How tall will the plant be in 12 days?
A: A(n)=130+(n-1)13; 273 inches

13. A magician charges $50.00 for a visit and an additional $7.50 for each hour he performs. The function rule C = 7.50h + 50.00 describes the relationship between the number of hours h and the total cost of the visit C. If the magician will only visit a maximum of 8 hours, what is a reasonable graph of the function rule?
C: {first point is (0,50), second point is (4,80), and third point is (8,110)}

14. What is the graph of the function rule?
y= |5x|-2
C: {looks like a downward point. point is at (0,-2)}

15. A triangle pattern is shown bellow. The perimeter of each figure in the pattern is shown in the table.
Figure | Perimeter
1 tri 24
2 tri 30
3 tri 36
A: P=6n+18
16. Use the vertical line test to determine if the relation {(-6,-2), (-2,6), (0,3), (3,5)} is a function. Explain your response.
Answer: The relation is a function because each domain value is paired with one range value. If your graph each ordered pair to check with the vertical line test, then the line will pass through each point once.

17. The graph shows the number of handbags that Mandy made in one day. What are the variables? Describe how they are related.
Answer: As the amount of time increases, the amount of handbags Mandy has made also increases. Time is the independent variable and the number of handbags is the dependent variable.

18. During a clothing store's Bargain Days, the regular price for T-shirts is discounted to $8.25. You have an additional coupon for $5.00 off, regardless of how many shirts are purchased
a. Write a rule for the function p(t) that expresses the finale price of t T-shirts with the discount applied.
b. How much would you pay during Bargain Day for 11 shirts?
a. p(t)=$8.25t+$5.00
b. $8.25(11)-$5.00=$85.75

19.The table shows how much a carpenter charges for work. Is the relationship shown by the data in the table linear? Explain your answer.
Hours Worked | Amount Charged ($)
1 25
2 40
3 60
4 80
Answer: The table is not linear. The first hour worked is $25. The second hour worked is $40. It goes up $15 and then $20. It is not constant and wouldn't graph a straight line.

Yes, you are correct. The correct rule to represent the height of the bamboo plant as an arithmetic sequence is given by option B, A(n) = 130 + (n + 1)13.

Let's break down why this is the correct answer.

In the given information, we see that the initial height of the bamboo plant is 130 inches. We also observe that the height increases by 13 inches each day. This means that every subsequent term in the sequence is obtained by adding 13 to the previous term.

So, we can establish the general rule for the arithmetic sequence representing the height of the bamboo plant as:

A(n) = 130 + (n - 1)13

Here, n represents the number of days since the initial height measurement was taken. By subtracting 1 from n, we account for the fact that on day 1, the height is already 130 inches (the initial measurement).

Now, to find out the height of the bamboo plant in 12 days, we substitute n = 12 into the expression:

A(12) = 130 + (12 - 1)13
= 130 + 11 * 13
= 130 + 143
= 273

Therefore, the bamboo plant will be 273 inches tall after 12 days.

do it your self