all the following acts were imposed by the colonist by british except -------?

B intorlerable acts
C salt act
D stamp act
i think the answer is c. salt act
can someone please check my answer

i meant colonies

Only on one colonist? Or do you mean on the colonists?

I agree with your choice.

To confirm if your answer is correct, we need to discuss each option and understand which acts were imposed by the British colonists.

A. Tea Act: This act was indeed imposed by the British in 1773. It granted a monopoly on tea imports to the British East India Company, which led to increased tensions and ultimately played a role in the Boston Tea Party.

B. Intolerable Acts: Also known as the Coercive Acts, they were enacted by the British Parliament in response to the Boston Tea Party. These acts included the Boston Port Act, which closed the Boston Harbor, and other measures aimed at punishing the colonies.

C. Salt Act: This act is not typically associated with the British colonists. The Salt Act, which was a tax on salt, was actually imposed by the British colonial government in India and not related to the American colonies.

D. Stamp Act: This act, passed in 1765, was indeed imposed by the British Parliament on the American colonies. It required a tax to be paid on various printed materials, leading to widespread opposition and protests.

Based on this information, you are correct. The answer is C. Salt Act, as it does not pertain to the British colonists in America.