6. which is the purpose of the agencies represented by the blank boxes?

;-; what ze hell bro


so.... whats the answer?

B and A



C and D






and A

yw - someone

Well, let's take a wild guess, shall we? The purpose of those agencies is to secretly mass produce rubber ducks for a top-secret bath time operation. Shh, it's classified!

To determine the purpose of the agencies represented by the blank boxes, we'll need more context and information about the agencies in question. However, I can provide you with some general steps to help you find the purpose of an agency.

1. Identify the agencies: Start by identifying the agencies represented by the blank boxes. Look for any clues or context provided in the surrounding text or document.

2. Research the agencies: Once you have identified the agencies, conduct research to gather information about them. There are several ways to do this:
- Use search engines: Enter the agency's name into search engines like Google or Bing. Look for official websites, informational articles, or news reports related to the agency.
- Check official websites: Visit the official websites of the agencies in question. Most agencies have websites that provide information about their mission, goals, and functions.
- Consult government resources: Government websites often have a directory or database of agencies with descriptions of their purpose and responsibilities.

3. Analyze the information: After gathering information about the agencies, carefully read and analyze the details. Look for key phrases, statements, or mission statements that describe the purpose of the agency. Pay attention to any specific functions, services, or goals mentioned.

4. Consider the agency's domain: Determine the field or sector that the agencies are part of. For example, agencies can be related to healthcare, law enforcement, environmental protection, education, etc. Understanding the domain can give you a clue about the possible purpose of the agencies.

5. Cross-reference multiple sources: Verify the information you find by cross-referencing it with multiple reliable sources. This helps ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine the purpose of the agencies represented by the blank boxes based on the information you gather during your research.

Have you got any variants for your answer?

A.applying laws and regulations...........senate house of representives

The House of Representatives imparts break even with obligation regarding lawmaking to the U.S. Senate. As brought about by the designers of the Constitution, the House was to speak to the mainstream will, and its individuals were to be straightforwardly chosen by the general population. The Senate all in all has numerous obligations and duties. A portion of these incorporate composition and passing laws, favoring numerous presidential arrangements, and endorsing bargains with different nations. What's more, singular Senators assume numerous jobs.  

B.protecting the rights of citizens............constitution

The Constitution is imperative since it secures singular opportunity, and its central standards administer the United States. The Constitution puts the administration's capacity in the hands of the residents. It restrains the intensity of the administration and builds up an arrangement of governing rules.  

The role of a constitution is to give extension to great government, while in the meantime putting restrictions on the forces of the governors.

C.managing state and municipal goverments.............president

The president is relied upon to play out various obligations as a feature of the workplace. While the Constitution specifies a few of these obligations, others have developed after some time. How a president does these capacities relies upon his identity, and in addition on his perspective of the administration and the job of government. Presidents additionally contrast on their origination of the job of the bureaucratic government.The president is the most noteworthy positioning officer in the furnished administrations.

D.prosecuting and judging criminal court...........supreme court

The Supreme Court of the United States, built up in 1789, is the most elevated government court in the United States, with forces of legal audit originally declared in Calder v. Bull (1798) in Justice Iredell's contradicting supposition. The power was later given restricting expert by Justice Marshall in Marbury v. Madison (1803). There are as of now nine seats on the US Supreme Court.  

Each U.S. state has its very own state supreme court, or, in other words specialist translating that state's law and managing that state's legal. Two states, Oklahoma and Texas, each have two separate most astounding courts that hear criminal and common re-appraising issues.