1. Study the circle graph.

A pie chart titled/ 76.2%-fossil fuels, 18.3%-hydroelectric plants, 3.3%-other renewable sources, 2.2%-Nuclear
Based on information in the graph, which of the following is most likely a serious problem for Mexico?

the cost of renewable energy plants

pollution from burning fossil fuels--------

accidents at nuclear power plants

supplies of oil for industries and cars

----=my answer

please Ms.Sue help me with this one question

I agree with your answer.

To find the answer to this question, we need to analyze the information provided in the circle graph. The graph shows the percentage distribution of different energy sources in Mexico. Based on the graph, we can see that fossil fuels account for the highest percentage at 76.2%. This suggests that Mexico heavily relies on fossil fuels for energy production.

Now, let's consider the answer choices:

A. the cost of renewable energy plants
This answer choice does not relate directly to the circle graph. While it is possible that the cost of renewable energy plants could be a potential problem for Mexico, it cannot be determined solely based on the information provided in the graph.

B. pollution from burning fossil fuels
This answer choice aligns with the information in the graph. Since fossil fuels contribute the largest percentage to Mexico's energy sources, it is likely that the country faces a serious problem with pollution resulting from burning fossil fuels. This pollution can have detrimental effects on the environment and public health.

C. accidents at nuclear power plants
The graph shows that only 2.2% of Mexico's energy comes from nuclear sources. Therefore, it is less likely that accidents at nuclear power plants are a serious problem for Mexico compared to the impact of burning fossil fuels.

D. supplies of oil for industries and cars
The graph does not provide information directly related to the supplies of oil for industries and cars. Therefore, this answer choice cannot be determined solely from the information in the graph.

Based on the analysis of the circle graph, the most likely serious problem for Mexico is pollution from burning fossil fuels, as indicated by the high percentage contribution of fossil fuels to the country's energy sources.

Based on the information provided in the graph, the most likely serious problem for Mexico would be pollution from burning fossil fuels. This can be inferred from the fact that fossil fuels make up the largest percentage (76.2%) in the pie chart. This suggests that Mexico heavily relies on fossil fuels for energy production, which can result in pollution and environmental degradation. The other options listed may also present challenges, but based on the information in the graph, pollution from burning fossil fuels is the most prominent issue.