15g/100ml of blood. How many kilograms of hemoglobin are there in a person who has 5.5 L of blood?

15 * 10^-3 kg / 100*10^-3 L = 0.15 kg/L

5.5 L (0.15 kg /L ) = 5.5*0.15 kg

LOL, cool explanation :)

To calculate the amount of hemoglobin in a person with 5.5 L of blood, we need to consider the given concentration of hemoglobin in blood, which is 15g per 100 ml.

Step 1: Convert Liters to Milliliters
There are 1000 milliliters (ml) in one liter. So, to convert 5.5 L to milliliters, we multiply by 1000:
5.5 L * 1000 ml/L = 5500 ml

Step 2: Calculate the Hemoglobin Amount
Given that the concentration of hemoglobin in blood is 15g/100ml, we can now calculate the amount of hemoglobin in our 5500 ml of blood.

To do this, we set up a proportion:

15g x
---- = ------
100ml 5500ml

Cross-multiplying gives us:
100ml * x = 15g * 5500ml

Simplifying further:
100x = 82500g

Step 3: Convert Grams to Kilograms
To convert grams (g) to kilograms (kg), we divide by 1000:
100x / 1000 = 82500g / 1000

x = 825kg

Therefore, a person with 5.5 L of blood would have approximately 825 kilograms of hemoglobin.