Suppose that, for a certain exam, a teacher grades on a curve.

It is known that the mean is 55 and the standard deviation is 5. There are 35 students in the class.

What score would be necessary to obtain an A?

or above

What % will be given an A?

To determine the score necessary to obtain an A or above, we need to understand how the grades are curved. Generally, grading on a curve means that scores are adjusted based on the distribution of scores in the class. In this case, we are given that the mean score is 55 and the standard deviation is 5.

To illustrate how the grades are curved, we'll assume a normal distribution of scores. A normal distribution is a bell-shaped curve where most scores fall around the mean and gradually decrease as they move away from the mean.

In a typical grading curve, the highest grades are given to a certain percentage of students who performed exceptionally well. To determine the necessary score to obtain an A or above, we need to know the cutoff point or percentile for an A grade.

Unfortunately, without this information, it is not possible to determine the exact score needed to obtain an A. The grading curve and the percentile cutoff for an A grade should be provided or specified by the teacher or institution.