Which of the following sentences is an example of a complex sentence?

A Ian and Charlotte worked and saved enough for a trip to Scotland.

B Originally, they wanted to ride bikes all the way, but they decided to take the train instead.

C In the entire world, there is only one art museum for children’s art, and it is located in Norway.

D The museum is the International Museum of Children’s Art, which occupies a big, old house.

Is it B??

That's three guesses. What is your final answer?

Never mind I just read the definition of a complex sentence is it D?


That sentence has two independent clauses.

I dont even know anymore

Simple sentence -- one main subject + one main verb = one independent clause

Compound sentence -- 2 independent clauses joined by one of the FANBOYS conjunctions or a semicolon + a conjunctive adverb

Complex sentence -- 1 independent clause and at least 1 dependent (subordinate) clause

Compound-complex sentence -- Compound sentence plus at least 1 dependent clause.

What's your final answer?

Yes, you are correct. Sentence B, "Originally, they wanted to ride bikes all the way, but they decided to take the train instead," is an example of a complex sentence. A complex sentence is a sentence that consists of an independent clause and at least one dependent clause. In this sentence, the independent clause is "they decided to take the train instead," while the dependent clause is "Originally, they wanted to ride bikes all the way." The dependent clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence, which makes this sentence an example of a complex sentence.