Square ABCD was dilated to form square A'B'C'D' what scale factor was used

To determine the scale factor that was used to dilate square ABCD to form square A'B'C'D', you need to compare the corresponding side lengths of the two squares.

1. Measure the length of one side of square ABCD. Let's say it is 'a'.
2. Measure the length of the corresponding side of square A'B'C'D'. Let's call it 'b'.
3. Divide 'b' by 'a' to find the scale factor.

The scale factor is given by the formula:
Scale Factor = Length of corresponding side in the image / Length of corresponding side in the original

For example, if you measure the side lengths of square ABCD to be 5 units and the corresponding side lengths of square A'B'C'D' to be 10 units, the scale factor would be:
Scale Factor = 10 / 5 = 2

So, the scale factor used to dilate square ABCD to form square A'B'C'D' is 2.

Lack data.