How did the South Texas elite interact with the Anglo settlers?

A) Anglo settlers worked for South Texas Elite
B) Anglos worked to dominate the South Texas elite
C) The elite of South Texas ignored the Anglos
D) The elite of South Texas welcomed the Anglos




When? And how is your text defining "the elite of South Texas"? You'll need to provide more information for us.

All I find if I search that term on Google is a bunch of unrelated stuff!

autumn thanks for your help he is right for

To answer this question, it is important to understand the historical context of South Texas during the time period in question. It is recommended to search for reliable sources such as history books, scholarly articles, or reputable websites that focus on the history of South Texas.

1. Start by using a search engine (e.g., Google) and entering keywords such as "South Texas history," "South Texas elite," and "Anglo settlers in South Texas." This will generate relevant search results to explore.

2. Look for sources that provide historical information about the relationship between the South Texas elite and Anglo settlers. This could include primary sources like personal accounts, letters, or diaries, as well as secondary sources that analyze historical events and provide interpretations.

3. Take note of the information related to how the South Texas elite interacted with Anglo settlers. Look for patterns, common themes, and any consensus reached by historians on this topic. Keep in mind that perspectives and experiences may differ, so it's important to consider multiple sources for a comprehensive understanding.

4. Once you have gathered relevant information, evaluate it to determine the most accurate and supported answer to the question. Look for consensus among reputable sources and consider the historical context.

By following these steps, you should be able to find reliable sources that provide insights into the interactions between the South Texas elite and Anglo settlers, allowing you to accurately answer the question.