Falcons and Hawks

Falcons belong to the raptor family. They are the fastest flyers of all the raptors. These birds of prey eat small animals and other birds. To catch a bird, a falcon flies high into the air. It dives down and hits its prey in midair. Falcons do not build nests. They will live in holes in trees, in abandoned nests, or on ledges of cliffs or tall buildings. Hawks are also raptors. They hunt both small animals and other birds. These hunters see their prey from perches such as telephone poles or trees. They stay hidden behind trees and plants as they fly toward their prey to surprise it. Hawks build nests.

What type of organization does this comparison-and-contrast passage use?

A. block

B. point-by-point

C. Venn diagram

D. chronological

dude i think its c


The type of organization used in this comparison-and-contrast passage is not specifically mentioned. However, based on the information provided, we can infer that it follows a "block" organization.

In a block organization, the passage typically presents all the information about one subject (falcons) and then provides all the information about another subject (hawks). This approach allows the reader to understand each subject comprehensively before moving on to the next. In this case, the passage first discusses falcons, providing information about their characteristics such as being the fastest flyers, their hunting behavior, and nesting habits. Then, it moves on to hawks, discussing their similarities and differences with falcons.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

A. block