I have my answers can you check them for me pls.

1. Which of the following ordered pairs is a solution of the equation y = -4x^2?

Send me your opinions about if I should give the answers or not?

what are the rest of the answers

Make sure you write the equation correctly.

Solution of the equation y = - 4 x ^ 2 is x = 0 , y = 0

or ordered pairs ( 0 , 0 )

huh? That is just the solution for when -4x^2 = 0

The answer of (2,-16) is correct

thx I got a 2/5 on it :/

the answer is d thx steve

the answers are

I know all of the answers but I don't want to get banned

Also I did do it correctly bc it didn't have ordered pairs on it

What’s all of the answers? Please I need to get this quick check done fast!

To check whether an ordered pair is a solution of an equation, you need to substitute the values of x and y into the equation and see if they make the equation true.

Let's check the given ordered pair (2, -16) for the equation y = -4x^2.

Substituting x = 2 and y = -16 into the equation, we have:
-16 = -4(2)^2

-16 = -4(4)
-16 = -16

Since both sides of the equation are equal, the given ordered pair (2, -16) satisfies the equation y = -4x^2. Therefore, your answer is correct.