Jim works as a language specialist at a University center for children with disabilities. Children attending

this center may be seen by physical therapists, neurologists, audiologists, nurses, pediatricians, special
educators, social workers, psychologists, and other specialists. Each child's assessment plan is determined
by the initial history taken by a social worker. Once the comprehensive assessment is complete, the team
convenes to make a set of recommendations for the family. This model is best described as
A. interdisciplinary.
B. multidisciplinary.
C. monodisciplinary.
D. transdisciplinary.

my answer is d.

How does your text define the differences between A, B, and D? (C is clearly out!)

You have selected option D. "transdisciplinary" as the best description for the model described in the scenario. Let me explain how to arrive at the correct answer.

In this scenario, it is stated that children attending the University center for children with disabilities may be seen by various specialists such as physical therapists, neurologists, audiologists, nurses, pediatricians, special educators, social workers, psychologists, and others. Each child's assessment plan is determined by a social worker, and once the comprehensive assessment is complete, the team, consisting of all these specialists, convenes to make a set of recommendations for the family.

To determine the most suitable option, let's consider the definitions of the given terms:

A. Interdisciplinary: In an interdisciplinary model, professionals from different disciplines work together but maintain separate expertise and goals.

B. Multidisciplinary: In a multidisciplinary model, professionals from various disciplines work independently, each providing their own assessment and recommendations.

C. Monodisciplinary: In a monodisciplinary model, only one discipline or profession is involved in the assessment and recommendations.

D. Transdisciplinary: In a transdisciplinary model, professionals from different disciplines work together collaboratively, actively sharing knowledge, skills, and expertise to provide a comprehensive assessment and recommendations.

Given that the scenario states that a team consisting of multiple specialists convenes to make recommendations for the family, it indicates a collaborative and integrated approach where professionals from different disciplines work together to provide a comprehensive assessment and recommendations. Therefore, option D, "transdisciplinary," is the best description for the model described in the scenario.

Therefore, your answer of D is correct. Well done!