Review the sentence.

A breakup of a religious group over disagreements about its principles is called a(n) __________.

Which best completes the sentence?


Is it A - Excommunication?

its B

Yes, it's B

I am using the same name for my posts...

Is it fallout?

ddos me ms sue

no way you are this website gives you the ability to find ip adresses from all people

No, the correct answer is B - Schism.

To review the sentence, it states that when a religious group breaks up due to disagreements about its principles, it is called a(n) ___________. To find the best completion for the sentence, you would need to understand the meaning of each option provided:

A) Excommunication - This term refers to the act of officially excluding someone from participation in the religious community. It typically involves the individual being banned or removed from the group due to some sort of wrongdoing.

B) Schism - This term describes a division or separation within a religious group or organization, usually caused by differing opinions or beliefs about fundamental principles or doctrines.

C) Fallout - This term generally refers to the negative consequences or repercussions that arise as a result of a conflict or disagreement.

D) Indulgence - This term, in a religious context, refers to the remission or forgiveness of punishment for sins, often granted by the Church.

Given the context of the sentence, the term that best matches the description is "schism." A schism represents a division or breakup within a religious group due to disagreements about its principles.

Ophelia/Cathy/laurieK/ Visaha -- please use the same name for your posts.

Not A.

All of these internet addresses are from the same computer in Scotsdale.

Both your guesses are wrong. Please do not post this question again.