A shopping mall has a length of 200 m and a width of 75 m.

What is the area of the mall?

1 × 103 m/2
1.75 × 104 1/m
1.5 × 104 m2
1.5 × 103 m

Area = length times width

Ms Sue, sorry to ask but is there a login or something? I'm just curious or does the website use IP Info for logins?

We use IPs for log ins.

So is it the third one?

I get 15,000 square meters

Honestly I'm still confused

Ok So all you need to do is find the area, Think of a Hershey bar its 3 bars wide and 7 bars long, if you multiply 7 by 3 you have the total area of the chocolate bar. if you apply the same thing to this situation then you would do what?

The area would be 15,000 if I multiply them

so do I try all the answers and see if they equal 15,000?

I know this has nothing t do with this question but why is your time different than mine?