I = 3+4sin(wt +pi/3) what is the rms value ?

rms value ??

To find the RMS (Root Mean Square) value of the given expression, we need to take the average of its square over a full period and then take the square root of that average.

Let's break down the given expression:

I = 3 + 4sin(wt + pi/3)

In this expression, the amplitude of the sinusoidal function is 4, and we need to consider its full period to calculate the RMS value.

For a sinusoidal function, one full period occurs when the argument (wt + pi/3) goes through a complete cycle.

The argument wt + pi/3 completes one full cycle when wt + pi/3 = 2π
Solving for wt:

wt = 2π - pi/3

Here, w represents the angular frequency. To find the value of w, we need more information.

Once we have the value of w, we can calculate the RMS value using the following formula:

RMS = (A / √2)

Where A is the amplitude of the sinusoidal function.

Please provide the value of w or any additional information to proceed with the calculation.