Which best describes the impact that the Haitian Slave Revolt had on European countries?

A)The resulting Haitian Revolution inspired French Revolutionaries to revolt against Robespierre.

B)The resulting Haitian Revolution signaled the beginning of the end of the European slave trade.

C)The resulting Haitian Revolution resulted in Great Britain writing and adopting the Magna Carta.

D)The resulting Haitian Revolution caused a war between the French and Spanish on two continents.

Is it B, Im so confused

The answer is "The resulting Haitian Revolution signaled the beginning of the end of the European slave trade."

No, it's not B.

What does your text say?

I think its D, thats just from what i read on the internet.

Answer is B

@Ms. Sue (the real one)

why cant you hellllllllpppppppppp

Yes, you are correct. Option B, "The resulting Haitian Revolution signaled the beginning of the end of the European slave trade," best describes the impact that the Haitian Slave Revolt had on European countries.

To arrive at this answer, let's break down the other options:

A) "The resulting Haitian Revolution inspired French Revolutionaries to revolt against Robespierre."

This option is not correct because the French Revolution had already taken place before the Haitian Revolution. The Haitian Revolution began in 1791, while the French Revolution began in 1789.

C) "The resulting Haitian Revolution resulted in Great Britain writing and adopting the Magna Carta."

This option is not correct either. The Magna Carta was actually signed by King John of England in 1215, long before the Haitian Revolution occurred.

D) "The resulting Haitian Revolution caused a war between the French and Spanish on two continents."

This option is also incorrect. While the Haitian Revolution did involve conflicts between various European powers, including France and Spain, it did not result in a war between them on two continents.

So, the best answer is indeed B. The Haitian Revolution had significant implications for the European slave trade. It inspired other enslaved populations and anti-slavery movements to fight for their freedom, and it contributed to the growing momentum against the enslavement of Africans and the eventual abolition of slavery in Europe.

It's neither B nor D. Please do not post this question again.
