How many miles can a car travel on 15 gallons of gas if it travels 28 miles on 1 gallon of gas?

43 miles
270 miles
495 miles
420 miles
can someone help me understand how to do this problem i dont know how, after can you check my work?

You're not confused. 420 miles is correct.

so you multiply and get 420. If not im confused


You're welcome.

So like im homeschool and im doing my work right now that is why i asked this question

add right? and you get 43 right?

Thank you for helping me. I made a 100%😇😇😇

Wow! Nice

You have two numbers. Do you think you should


What answer do you get?

Think about it. The car goes 28 miles on one gallon. So it must go twice that on two gallons. That's 56 gallons on 2 gallons of gas.

Try again.

To determine how many miles a car can travel on 15 gallons of gas, we need to multiply the number of gallons by the number of miles the car can travel per gallon.

In this case, the car travels 28 miles on 1 gallon of gas. So, to find out how far the car can go on 15 gallons of gas, we will multiply 28 miles by 15 gallons.

28 miles/gallon * 15 gallons = 420 miles

Therefore, the car can travel 420 miles on 15 gallons of gas.

Now, let's check your work: You should have multiplied 28 miles by 15 gallons to get 420 miles. If you have done that correctly, then your answer is correct.