WhWhat sentence structure is exemplified by the sentence below?

The stranger knocked on the door, and I swallowed hard as I opened it.
a. simple
b. compound
c. complex
d. compound-complex *****

The sentence structure exemplified by the given sentence, "The stranger knocked on the door, and I swallowed hard as I opened it," is a compound-complex sentence.

Now, let's break down the sentence to understand why it is a compound-complex sentence.

A compound sentence consists of two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction, which in this case is the conjunction "and."
1. "The stranger knocked on the door" - This is an independent clause with a subject ("The stranger") and a verb ("knocked").
2. "I swallowed hard as I opened it" - This is another independent clause with a subject ("I") and two verbs ("swallowed" and "opened").

Together, these two independent clauses are joined by the coordinating conjunction "and," making it a compound sentence.

Additionally, a complex sentence includes an independent clause and at least one dependent clause. In the given sentence, there are no dependent clauses present.

Therefore, since the sentence contains two independent clauses (making it compound) and no dependent clauses, it is classified as a compound-complex sentence.

What sentence structure is exemplified by the sentence below?

The stranger knocked on the door, and I swallowed hard as I opened it.
a. simple
b. compound
c. complex
d. compound-complex *****

Thank you

You're welcome.

that was actually wrong even though I thought it was that too...

Right again!