For which of the following is the great pharaoh ramses ii known?

Wrote famous literature

Was female pharaoh

Established trading route with Greeks

Built monuments *****

Fought in many battles and acquired territory *****

Which of the following were important achievements of the kushites? Select all that apply. (I cant find anything in my text for some reason so I need help)

A.the defeat of the assyrian army
B. The invention of one of the worlds first alphabets
C. Construction of the largest pyramids in the area
D. The development of Africa's first iron-working city
E.the famous text, the book of the dead
F.the invention of papyrus networks that stretched from Greece to south of the Sahara

Any help would be appreciated thank you

Your answers about Ramses are right.

Thank you ms.sue

For the first question, "For which of the following is the great pharaoh Ramses II known?" the options provided are:

A. Wrote famous literature
B. Was female pharaoh
C. Established trading route with Greeks
D. Built monuments
E. Fought in many battles and acquired territory

To determine which option is correct, we can eliminate options that are historically inaccurate or unrelated to Ramses II.

Eliminating options B (Ramses II was a male pharaoh) and E (there is no evidence that Ramses II wrote the famous text, the Book of the Dead), we are left with three potential options: A, C, and D.

Option A (Wrote famous literature) is incorrect. While Ramses II was known for his literary works, he did not write famous literature himself. Rather, he commissioned scribes to record his achievements and accomplishments.

Option C (Established trading route with Greeks) is also incorrect. Although Ramses II engaged in trade with other civilizations, there is no historical evidence to suggest that he specifically established a trading route with the Greeks.

Therefore, the correct option is D. Ramses II is known for building monuments. He constructed massive temples, such as the Great Temple of Abu Simbel, and other architectural marvels during his reign.

Now, moving on to the Kushites and their important achievements.

The options for the achievements of the Kushites are:

A. The defeat of the Assyrian army
B. The invention of one of the world's first alphabets
C. Construction of the largest pyramids in the area
D. The development of Africa's first iron-working city
E. The famous text, the Book of the Dead
F. The invention of papyrus
G. Trade networks that stretched from Greece to south of the Sahara

To determine the correct options, we will go through each one:

Option A (The defeat of the Assyrian army) is historically accurate. The Kushites successfully defeated the Assyrian army, specifically King Taharqa, during their conflict.

Option B (The invention of one of the world's first alphabets) is not an achievement of the Kushites. The invention of alphabets is attributed to other civilizations rather than the Kushites.

Option C (Construction of the largest pyramids in the area) is also incorrect. While the Kushites constructed pyramids, they were not the largest in the area. The Egyptian pyramids are known for their size and grandeur.

Option D (The development of Africa's first iron-working city) is correct. The city of Meroe, established by the Kushites, is recognized as Africa's first iron-working city, making significant advancements in iron production.

Option E (The famous text, the Book of the Dead) is not an achievement of the Kushites. The Book of the Dead is an ancient Egyptian funerary text.

Option F (The invention of papyrus) is not attributed to the Kushites. The invention of papyrus and its use in ancient Egypt predates the Kushite civilization.

Option G (Trade networks that stretched from Greece to south of the Sahara) is historically accurate. The Kushites developed extensive trade networks that extended from Greece to regions south of the Sahara Desert.

Therefore, the correct achievements of the Kushites are:

A. The defeat of the Assyrian army
D. The development of Africa's first iron-working city
G. Trade networks that stretched from Greece to south of the Sahara