can you please help me explain all the steps used in the problem n/-3+5>4 im afraid i might get this one wrong

According to the second posting you meant:

n/(-3+5) > 4
n/2 > 4
multiply both sides by +2
n > 8

if you meant it the way you typed it ...
n/-3 > -1
multiply both sides by -3, inequality sign has to be switched
n < 3

according to "order of operations" ( PEMDAS)

... the division operation occurs before the addition

adding parentheses to clarify ... (n / -3) + 5 > 4

subtracting 5 ... n / -3 > -1

multiplying by -3 (arrow flips) ... n < 3

Sure, I can help you with that problem. Let's break it down step by step.

The inequality given is n/-3 + 5 > 4.

Step 1: To begin, we want to isolate the variable n, so let's start by subtracting 5 from both sides of the inequality:

n/-3 > 4 - 5

Simplifying the right side of the inequality gives:

n/-3 > -1

Step 2: Next, we want to eliminate the fraction by multiplying both sides of the inequality by -3. When multiplying or dividing both sides of an inequality by a negative number, remember to reverse the sign of the inequality symbol:

(-3)(n/-3) < (-1)(-3)

On the left side, the -3 in the numerator and the -3 in the denominator cancel out, leaving us with:

n < -1(-3)

Simplifying the right side gives:

n < 3

So, the solution to the inequality is n < 3. Keep in mind that the solution represents all values of n that satisfy the given inequality.