Lesson 1: Introducing the Big Question

Unit 3: Facts and Visions
Thematic Vocabulary
argument: n. a disagreement, often involving anger; other forms: argue, arguing, argumentative

compromise: n. a solution in which people agree to accept less than what they origi- nally wanted; other forms: compromised, compromising

irritate: v. to make someone feel annoyed or impatient; other forms: irritation, irritated, irritating

oppose: v. to be against or to disagree; other forms: opposition, opposing, opponent viewpoint: n. a person’s way of thinking about a subject or issue DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions using the number of vocabulary words specified. You can use words more than once, but you must use all five Thematic Vocabulary words. You might use the “other forms” of the words, as shown above.

Rosa and Ellen shared a bedroom at home. Their mother suggested that they repaint the walls, make new curtains, and rearrange the furniture. At first, the sisters were excited about the project. However, their differences of opinion soon brought a conflict.

“I hate the color pink!” Rosa stormed. “Why do we always have to do what you want?”
1. How might Ellen have responded? Use at least 2 vocabulary words in your answer.

Their older sister Paula heard them speaking angrily to each other. She tried to help. 2. What might Paula have said? Use at least 1 vocabulary word in your answer.

Paula got out a pencil and paper. She took notes as Rosa and Ellen each spoke about how she would like their room to look. Then, she made a suggestion. 3. What did she suggest? Use at least 2 vocabulary words in your answer.

Rosa wasn’t totally satisfied, but at least Ellen had listened to some of her ideas. 4. How did the girls resolve their conflict? Use at least 1 vocabulary word in your answer.

1. Ellen might have responded by saying something like, "I understand that you dislike the color pink, but we can find a compromise and choose a different color that we both like. Let's discuss our preferences and find a solution that works for both of us." In this response, Ellen acknowledges Rosa's opposition to the color pink and suggests a compromise to find a color that satisfies both of their viewpoints.

2. Paula might have said, "It seems like both of you have different ideas about how you want the room to look. Let's find a way to resolve this conflict peacefully and reach a compromise that makes both of you happy." In this statement, Paula uses the word "conflict" to describe the disagreement between Rosa and Ellen and encourages them to find a compromise.

3. Paula suggested, "Why don't we choose a neutral color like blue or green for the walls? We can also find a pattern for the curtains that incorporates both of your preferences. As for the furniture arrangement, maybe we can try a different layout that maximizes space for both of you." In this suggestion, Paula proposes a compromise by suggesting a neutral color for the walls and finding a pattern that combines elements from both of their preferences. She also addresses furniture arrangement, emphasizing the need to create an arrangement that benefits both sisters.

4. The girls resolved their conflict by compromising and listening to each other's ideas. Although Rosa wasn't completely satisfied, Ellen at least listened to some of her ideas, indicating a willingness to find middle ground and compromise. This suggests that they reached a compromise by incorporating elements from both of their viewpoints, making adjustments to satisfy each other's preferences to some extent.

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