0.41666666666 as a fraction

we know that .666666... = 2/3

so, .0066666... = 2/300
.4166666... = .41 + .00666666... = 41/100 + 2/300
= 123/300 + 2/300 = 125/300

which is the same as the first answer, when reduced.

thanks Jiskha

we know that .666666... = 2/3

so, .0066666... = 2/300
.4166666... = .41 + .00666666... = 41/100 + 2/300
= 123/300 + 2/300 = 125/300

which is the same as the above answer, when reduced.

To convert the decimal number 0.41666666666 into a fraction, follow these steps:

Step 1: Let x represent the given decimal value: 0.41666666666.

Step 2: Multiply x by 10n, where n is the number of decimal places in x that repeat or continue indefinitely. In this case, there is one digit after the decimal point that repeats, so multiply x by 10.

0.41666666666 × 10 = 4.1666666666

Step 3: Subtract x from the result obtained in Step 2.

4.1666666666 - 0.41666666666 = 3.75

Step 4: Let y represent the result obtained in Step 3.

y = 3.75

Step 5: Write y as a fraction by placing it over a denominator of 1:

y/1 = 3.75/1

Step 6: Multiply both the numerator and denominator by 10n, where n is the number of decimal places in y.

(3.75 × 10)/(1 × 10) = 37.5/10

Step 7: Simplify the fraction if needed. In this case, since the decimal part is 0, we can simplify it further:

37.5/10 = 375/100

Step 8: Simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD). In this case, the GCD of 375 and 100 is 25.

375/100 ÷ 25/25 = 15/4

So, 0.41666666666 can be expressed as the fraction 15/4.

multiply by 100 (two decimal places) ... 41.666666...

subtract ... 41.66666666666 - 0.41666666666 = 41.25

100 n - n = 99 n = 41.25 ... n = 41.25 / 99 = 4125 / 9900