Determine the indicator

horse power and piston displacement of a machine of the piston area 100m^2 given the piston stroke to be 600cm and indicating mean pressure to be 500kg/m^2. The number of piston stroke per minute is 4

To determine the indicator horsepower and piston displacement of the machine, we need to use the following formulas:

Indicator Horsepower (IHP) = (P × L × A × N) / (33,000)
Piston Displacement (PD) = (A × L × N) / 10

P = Indicating mean pressure (kg/m^2)
L = Piston stroke (cm)
A = Piston area (m^2)
N = Number of piston strokes per minute

Piston area (A) = 100 m^2
Piston stroke (L) = 600 cm
Indicating mean pressure (P) = 500 kg/m^2
Number of piston strokes per minute (N) = 4

Let's plug in the values into the formulas:

Substituting the given values:
IHP = (500 kg/m^2 × 600 cm × 100 m^2 × 4) / (33,000)
PD = (100 m^2 × 600 cm × 4) / 10

Simplifying the calculations:
IHP = (500 × 600 × 100 × 4) / 33,000
PD = (100 × 600 × 4) / 10

Calculating the values:
IHP = 36,000,000 / 33,000
IHP ≈ 1,090.91 horsepower

PD = 24,000 / 10
PD = 2,400 cm^3 (cubic centimeters)

Therefore, the indicator horsepower is approximately 1,090.91 and the piston displacement is 2,400 cm^3.

To determine the indicator horse power (I.H.P) and piston displacement of the machine, we can use the following formulas:

1. Indicator Horse Power (I.H.P):
I.H.P = (A x L x N x P) / (4500 x 60)
A = Piston Area (in m^2),
L = Piston Stroke (in meters),
N = Number of Piston Strokes per minute, and
P = Indicating Mean Pressure (in kg/m^2).

2. Piston Displacement:
Piston Displacement = (A x L x N) / (1000 x 60)
A = Piston Area (in m^2),
L = Piston Stroke (in meters), and
N = Number of Piston Strokes per minute.

Now, let's plug in the given values to calculate the required quantities.

Piston Area (A) = 100 m^2
Piston Stroke (L) = 600 cm = 6 m
Indicating Mean Pressure (P) = 500 kg/m^2
Number of Piston Strokes per minute (N) = 4

1. Calculating Indicator Horse Power (I.H.P):
I.H.P = (A x L x N x P) / (4500 x 60)
I.H.P = (100 x 6 x 4 x 500) / (4500 x 60)
I.H.P = 4

Therefore, the indicator horse power (I.H.P) is 4.

2. Calculating Piston Displacement:
Piston Displacement = (A x L x N) / (1000 x 60)
Piston Displacement = (100 x 6 x 4) / (1000 x 60)
Piston Displacement = 0.04

Therefore, the piston displacement is 0.04 m^3 (cubic meters).