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Why did the ancient Chinese make loud noises at festivals and during holiday celebrations? A. to show loyalty to the emperor B. to celebrate their blessings C. to awaken the spirits of their ancestors D. to chase away evil spirits

D. to chase away evil spirits


the correct answer is D



To find the answer to your question, you can start by researching the ancient Chinese traditions and practices during festivals and holiday celebrations. You can look for reliable sources such as books, articles, or scholarly websites that focus on Chinese history and culture.

By studying these sources, you will likely come across information about the purpose behind the ancient Chinese practice of making loud noises during festivals and holiday celebrations.

Here's a breakdown of the options you provided and some information about each:

A. To show loyalty to the emperor: While loyalty to the emperor was an important aspect of ancient Chinese society, making loud noises during festivals and holiday celebrations was not specifically done to show loyalty to the emperor.

B. To celebrate their blessings: Celebrating blessings can indeed be a part of festivals and holiday celebrations in various cultures. However, it's important to verify if this was the primary reason for making loud noises during ancient Chinese celebrations.

C. To awaken the spirits of their ancestors: Ancient Chinese culture places great importance on honoring and respecting ancestors. Making loud noises during festivals and celebrations were sometimes believed to awaken the spirits of ancestors and call upon their presence and blessings.

D. To chase away evil spirits: The belief in evil spirits and the act of using loud noises to scare them away is a common practice in many cultures worldwide. It is possible that this was one of the reasons behind the ancient Chinese tradition of making loud noises during festivals and holiday celebrations.

To determine the correct answer, you will need to consult reliable sources that provide historical context and specific information about the purpose of making loud noises in ancient Chinese festivals and holiday celebrations.