In a concert hall, 60% of the seats were taken. 520 seats were empty. What is the total number of seats in the concert hall?



To find the total number of seats in the concert hall, we can use the information provided.

Step 1: Let's assume the total number of seats in the concert hall is "x."

Step 2: We know that 60% of the seats were taken, which means 40% of the seats were empty.

Step 3: We can convert 40% to a decimal by dividing by 100: 40/100 = 0.4.

Step 4: We are given that 520 seats were empty, which is equal to 40% of the total number of seats: 0.4x = 520.

Step 5: To find the total number of seats, we can divide both sides of the equation by 0.4: 0.4x/0.4 = 520/0.4.

Step 6: Simplifying, we have x = 1300.

Therefore, the total number of seats in the concert hall is 1300.

To find the total number of seats in the concert hall, we can first find the number of seats taken. We know that 60% of the seats were taken, so we can represent this mathematically as:

60% × Total number of seats = Number of seats taken

Next, we can find the number of seats taken by substituting the given information into the equation:

60% × Total number of seats = Number of seats taken
0.6 × Total number of seats = Number of seats taken
0.6 × Total number of seats = Total number of seats - Number of empty seats

Also, we are given that 520 seats were empty. So, we can express this as:

Number of empty seats = 520

Now, we can substitute this into the equation and solve for the total number of seats:

0.6 × Total number of seats = Total number of seats - 520

Simplifying the equation, we get:

0.6 × Total number of seats - Total number of seats = -520

Combining like terms, we have:

-0.4 × Total number of seats = -520

Finally, to find the total number of seats, we divide both sides by -0.4:

Total number of seats = -520 ÷ -0.4

Total number of seats = 1300

Therefore, the total number of seats in the concert hall is 1300.

0.60 x + 520 = x