For which of the following is the great pharaoh ramses ii known?

Wrote famous literature

Was female pharaoh

Established trading route with Greeks

Built monuments *****

Fought in many battles and acquired territory *****

Which of the following were important achievements of the kushites? Select all that apply. (I cant find anything in my text for some reason so I need help)

A.the defeat of the assyrian army
B. The invention of one of the worlds first alphabets
C. Construction of the largest pyramids in the area
D. The development of Africa's first iron-working city
E.the famous text, the book of the dead
F.the invention of papyrus networks that stretched from Greece to south of the Sahara

Because the Egyptians constructed early forms of glass and mortar for setting bricks, scholars know they were skilled in which science?
A. Chemistry
B. Astronomy
C. Physics
D. Anatomy

Any help would be appreciated thank you

Though I did get the third answer I didnt notice it was 100% easy

I was meaning to put down number 4 instead of 3 btw sorry

For the question about the achievements of the Great Pharaoh Ramses II, the correct answer is:

- Built monuments
- Fought in many battles and acquired territory

Ramses II is known for his enormous building projects, including the construction of many temples and monuments throughout Egypt. Additionally, he was a skilled military leader who led his army in numerous battles, successfully expanding the Egyptian territory.

Regarding the question about the important achievements of the Kushites, I can provide some guidance based on historical information:

- The defeat of the Assyrian army: The Kushites successfully repelled the Assyrian invasion, leading to the liberation of their land from foreign control.
- The development of Africa's first iron-working city: The Kushites were known for their advanced ironworking techniques, and they established an iron-working city, which was a significant achievement at that time.
- Trade networks that stretched from Greece to south of the Sahara: The Kushites had extensive trade networks that connected them with various regions, including the Greeks and regions south of the Sahara.

For the question about the science in which the ancient Egyptians displayed skill:

The correct answer is:

- Chemistry

The ancient Egyptians possessed knowledge and skills in chemical practices, as evidenced by their early use of glass and the creation of mortar for setting bricks. This demonstrates their proficiency in the field of chemistry.