How can you tell what sort of gas is emitting light?

light is emitted by molecules...each molecule has a definite and unique signature.

To determine what sort of gas is emitting light, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the light emission: You can start by observing the color of the emitted light. Different gases emit light at specific wavelengths, which correspond to different colors. For example, hydrogen emits a reddish color, while oxygen emits a greenish color.

2. Use spectroscopy: Spectroscopy is a technique used to analyze the interaction of light with matter. By passing the emitted light through a spectrograph or a prism, you can separate the light into its different wavelengths and create a spectrum.

3. Compare the spectrum: Each gas has a unique spectrum, which consists of specific bright lines or bands at certain wavelengths. These lines act as signatures for the gas present. You can compare the observed spectrum with known spectra of different gases to identify the gas emitting the light.

4. Consult reference sources: There are various databases, books, and online resources that provide information about the characteristic emission spectra of different gases. These references can help you identify the gas based on its unique spectral lines.

Keep in mind that the above method assumes the gas is emitting light in a controlled environment, such as a laboratory setting. In real-life scenarios, gas emissions might be more complex, involving mixtures of gases or other factors that can complicate the analysis.