please help someone

Description 1:Broadleaf trees such as maple, oak and hickory are common in this biome. They are likely to drop their leaves in the winter. Description 2: Migration and hibernation are 2 adaptations commonly used by animals in this biome. Storing food in the winter is another behavioral adaptation common to animals that live in this biome. Deer, squirrel, and bears are common here.
B.) Tundra
C.) Tropical rain forest
E.)Temperate/ deciduous forest

omg thanks so much


Based on the provided descriptions, the biome being described is the Temperate/deciduous forest.

The first description mentions broadleaf trees like maple, oak, and hickory, which are common in temperate/deciduous forests. These types of trees typically lose their leaves in the winter, which is known as deciduous behavior.

The second description mentions adaptations like migration and hibernation, which are commonly used by animals in temperate/deciduous forests to survive the winter. Additionally, the mention of animals like deer, squirrels, and bears further suggests a temperate/deciduous forest biome, as these animals are commonly found in these areas.

To arrive at the answer, you could identify key phrases in each description and match them with the characteristics of different biomes. By assessing the presence of broadleaf trees, deciduous behavior, and specific animals, you can conclude that the correct answer is E) Temperate/deciduous forest.