The breaking down or disintegration of substances such as rocks and minerals by physical, chemical, or biological processes is called-

A. Erosion
B. Weathering
C. Climate
D. Deposition
I think it's erosion or weathering. Can someone please help me really fast??? I am behind in school and need to catch up

b weathering

Thank you so much!!

Of the given options, the correct answer to the question is B. Weathering. Weathering refers to the natural process of breaking down or disintegrating rocks, minerals, or other substances into smaller fragments through physical, chemical, or biological means.

Physical weathering involves the mechanical breakdown of rocks and minerals without any change in their chemical composition. Examples of physical weathering include the freezing and thawing of water in cracks, abrasion by wind-blown particles, and the action of plant roots.

Chemical weathering, on the other hand, involves the alteration of the chemical composition of rocks and minerals. This can occur through processes such as oxidation, hydration, dissolution, and carbonation. Chemical weathering is often influenced by factors like temperature, moisture, and atmospheric gases.

Biological weathering is the breakdown of rocks and minerals through the activities of living organisms. This can include actions such as the burrowing of animals, the growth of plant roots, and the secretion of acids by organisms like lichens.

To determine the correct answer to this question, you can analyze the options provided and assess which one best fits the process described. In this case, erosion (option A) refers to the movement or transportation of weathered materials, rather than the process of breaking them down. Climate (option C) is a broader term that encompasses weather patterns over long periods of time, but it does not specifically refer to the disintegration of substances. Deposition (option D) is the settling or accumulation of eroded materials, which is a result of erosion rather than weathering.

Thus, the correct answer to the given question is B. Weathering.