A Man Of Mass 80kg Carry A Load Of Bricks

Of 20kg Up A Vertical Of Length 6m Calculate
The Workdone? (g=10m/s squer)

(80 kg + 20 kg) * g * 6 m = work ... in Joules

To calculate the work done, we need to use the formula:

Work = force × distance × cos(angle)

In this case, the force is equal to the weight of the man and the bricks combined. The weight can be calculated by multiplying the mass by the acceleration due to gravity.

Mass of man = 80 kg
Mass of bricks = 20 kg
Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 10 m/s^2
Length of vertical distance (height) = 6 m

First, let's calculate the total force:

Force = (Mass of man + Mass of bricks) × gravity
= (80 kg + 20 kg) × 10 m/s^2
= 100 kg × 10 m/s^2
= 1000 N

Now, we can calculate the work done:

Work = Force × Distance × cos(angle)

Since the vertical distance is given, the angle between the force and the displacement is 0° (cos(angle) = 1).

Work = 1000 N × 6 m × 1
= 6000 N·m or 6000 Joules

Therefore, the work done by the man in carrying the load of bricks up a vertical distance of 6 m is 6000 Joules.

To calculate the work done in this scenario, we can use the formula:

Work = Force × Distance × cosine(angle)

In this case, the force required to lift the load of bricks is equal to the weight of the bricks. Weight is calculated as the mass multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity (g). The distance is given as 6m, and the angle is 0 degrees because the vertical direction is perpendicular to the ground, so the cosine of 0 degrees is 1.

Let's plug in the values and calculate the work done:

Mass of man (m1) = 80 kg
Mass of load (m2) = 20 kg
Total mass (m) = m1 + m2 = 80 kg + 20 kg = 100 kg
Acceleration due to gravity (g) = 10 m/s^2 (as given)

Weight of the load (W) = mass × acceleration due to gravity
W = 20 kg × 10 m/s^2
W = 200 N

Work (W) = Force × Distance × cosine(angle)
W = 200 N × 6 m × cos(0°)
Since cos(0°) = 1, we can simplify the equation further:
W = 200 N × 6 m × 1
W = 1200 Joules

Therefore, the work done in lifting the load of bricks over a vertical distance of 6m is 1200 Joules.