-23.3333333333 as a fraction

0.3333 = 1/3

- 23.333 = 23 1/3

0.33.... as a fraction is 1/3. You can probably guess where to go from there. :) (if this doesn't help I'm sorry)

thank you everyone <3

You're welcome,

To represent -23.3333333333 as a fraction, we can make use of the decimal to fraction conversion method.

Step 1: Let's assign "x" to represent the decimal number -23.3333333333.

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the equation by 10 to remove the decimal point:
10x = -233.3333333333

Step 3: Now, we can notice that there is a repeating pattern in the decimal part: 0.3333333333. To convert this repeating decimal into a fraction, we use the following formula:

Let "n" be the repeating part.
The fraction is given by n/(10^k - 1), where "k" is the number of repeating digits.

In this case, "n" is 3 (the repeating part), and "k" is 1 (as there is only one repeating digit).

So, 0.3333333333 as a fraction is 3/(10^1 - 1) = 3/9 = 1/3.

Step 4: Now, rewrite the equation with the fraction:
10x = -233 + 1/3

Step 5: Bring the fraction to the same denominator as -233:
10x = (-233 * 3 + 1)/3
10x = (-699 + 1)/3
10x = -698/3

Step 6: Divide both sides by 10:
x = -698/30

Therefore, -23.3333333333 as a fraction is -698/30.