1) What evidence is there that the human species has been successful so far? Explain.

2) What environmental pressures in the past do you think were most important in shaping the human species as it exists today?
3) What environmental pressures exist now that you think may be shaping the human species?
4) What environmental pressures do you think may affect humans as Earth becomes more populated with humans in the future? Explain how these pressures may affect human traits.

1: Humanity is far from extinction, we have spread to every corner of the earth. 2: The environments, climate, and predators helped shape humans , they learned how to make weapons and create shelter to survive harsh conditions in the wild. 3: Some of the environmental pressures we face now are man made, for example: Pollution, a lack of land, and overpopulation. Some however are natural, like our limited supply of minerals. 4: I think most of the environmental pressure will come from pollution, and a lack of space. With so many people around, there''s going to be a lot of vehicle use, and things such as littering. We're going to have to change and start cleaning up after ourselves and limit the use of gas.

No one here will write your assignments for you, but if you post what YOU THINK, someone might be able to critique your thinking and writing.

1) To determine the evidence of human species' success so far, we can look at various factors:

a) Population growth: One indicator of success is the steady increase in the global human population. Despite challenges, such as disease outbreaks or conflicts, the human population continues to grow. This suggests that as a species, humans have been able to adapt, survive, and reproduce successfully.

b) Technological advancements: Another evidence of human success is the remarkable progress in technology and innovation. From the invention of tools and fire in the early stages of human evolution to the development of complex systems today, humans have consistently demonstrated their ability to understand and manipulate their environment, improving their chances of survival.

c) Cultural achievements: Humans have developed sophisticated social structures, languages, art, and scientific knowledge. These cultural accomplishments show not only our ability to survive physically but also our capacity for complex intellectual and emotional experiences.

d) Global dominance: Humans currently inhabit nearly every corner of the planet, adapting to various climates, terrains, and ecosystems. The ability to colonize diverse environments demonstrates the adaptive capabilities of our species.

2) When discussing the environmental pressures that have shaped the human species today, several key factors are worth considering:

a) Climate change: Throughout history, fluctuations in global climate have exerted significant selective pressures on our ancestral populations. Adapting to changing environments, such as Ice Ages or warming periods, required humans to develop physiological and behavioral responses to survive.

b) Competition for resources: Over the course of human history, competition for limited resources, such as food, water, and shelter, has shaped our species. This pressure has led to innovations in hunting, gathering, farming, and social cooperation, which have ultimately influenced our physical and cognitive traits.

c) Disease and epidemics: Pathogens and diseases have posed substantial challenges, leading to selection pressures that favor individuals with genetic variations providing resistance or immunity. Epidemics throughout history, such as the Black Death or the Spanish Flu, have shaped human populations by selecting for genetic traits that confer resistance to infectious diseases.

3) Presently, several environmental pressures continue to potentially shape the human species:

a) Climate change: The ongoing and rapid changes in global climate patterns pose challenges for humans. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and changing ecosystems could influence patterns of human settlement, resource availability, and health.

b) Globalization and urbanization: The increasing interconnectedness of the world has resulted in rapid urbanization and population growth in cities. This process brings new challenges related to overcrowding, pollution, limited resources, and the spread of infectious diseases.

c) Technological advancements: While technology has propelled human progress, it also introduces new pressures. Dependence on technology could affect physical fitness, cognitive capacities, and even social dynamics, potentially reshaping aspects of the human species in the long term.

4) As the Earth becomes more populated, additional environmental pressures may influence human traits:

a) Resource scarcity: A growing human population will place increased strain on natural resources such as clean water, fertile land, and energy sources. Competition for these limited resources may drive changes in behavior, migration patterns, and even lead to conflicts.

b) Urbanization and lifestyle changes: As urbanization continues, people may face challenges related to sedentary lifestyles, limited green spaces, and increased exposure to pollutants and stressors. These factors can impact human health, potentially influencing traits related to physical fitness, mental health, and overall well-being.

c) Cultural and social dynamics: With increased population density, interactions between different cultural, ethnic, and social groups are likely to intensify. This may lead to the exchange and blending of traditions, values, and behaviors, potentially shaping human cultural evolution and the emergence of new traits.

It's important to note that while these pressures might influence the direction of human evolution, the timescale for significant genetic changes is typically long. However, these environmental pressures can still have a profound impact on human behaviors, societies, and well-being in a relatively shorter timescale.