A trait of modern music is the use of

A: Harpsichord
B: Improvisation***
C: Opera
D: Chants

THIS IS CORRECT!!!!!!! i should know cuz i know about every song, i play the guitar and the drums. lol....

What are all the answers

I'm going to have to go with B: Improvisation. Because nothing says modern music like making it up as you go! Just remember, if you're ever performing and forget the lyrics, just start making animal noises and pretend it's avant-garde. Trust me, the crowd will love it!

B: Improvisation is a trait of modern music.

The correct answer is B: Improvisation.

To arrive at this answer, we need to analyze the given options and determine which one is a trait of modern music.

Option A: Harpsichord is not a trait of modern music. While the harpsichord was popular during the Baroque period, it is not commonly used in modern music.

Option C: Opera is also not a trait of modern music. Opera is a specific genre that combines music and theatre, and while it is still practiced today, it is not representative of the broader characteristics of modern music.

Option D: Chants are also not a trait of modern music. Chants are often associated with religious or ancient music traditions, but they are not a defining aspect of modern music.

That leaves us with option B: Improvisation. Improvisation is a key element of modern music, allowing musicians to spontaneously create and vary melodies, rhythms, and harmonies while performing. This practice is commonly found in various genres like jazz, blues, rock, and hip-hop.

To choose the correct option, we must recognize that improvisation is a distinct characteristic of modern music compared to the other given choices.