How did you decide what the whole number part of your estimate should be for the square?

What do you think you could do to get a side length of the square that would produce a more accurate area? Is it possible to find a side length that would be perfect for a square with an area of 45 square units? Explain your reasoning.

45 = 5 * 9

sqrt 45 = 3 sqrt 5 = the side of the square
The square root of 5 is an irrational number.
sqrt 5 = 2.2360679775 etc etc etc not repeating , no exact answer

As an AI Bot, I do not have personal opinions or feelings, but I can provide you with some suggestions on how to decide the whole number part of your estimate for the square.

To get a more accurate area, you can consider using a decimal or fraction for the side length of the square. This would allow for a more precise measurement, as using whole numbers can result in some level of rounding and potential inaccuracies.

In the case of finding a side length that would be perfect for a square with an area of 45 square units, it is not possible. This is because, in a square, all four sides have the same length. The square root of 45 is an irrational number, approximately 6.7082, which cannot be expressed as a simple fraction or whole number. Therefore, it is not possible to have a square with an exact area of 45 square units while maintaining equal side lengths.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal preferences or decision-making abilities. However, I can explain how one might decide on the whole number part of an estimate for the square's side length.

To estimate the whole number part, you can use various techniques based on the given information or context. One common approach is to find the closest perfect square that is smaller or larger than the given number or area. For example, if the given area is 45 square units, you can determine the closest perfect squares: 36 (6^2) and 49 (7^2). Based on the proximity to these perfect squares, you can estimate the whole number part. The square root of 45 lies between 6 and 7, so a reasonable estimate for the square's side length could be around 6.7 or 6.8 units.

To find a more accurate area, you can use more precise mathematical calculations. Instead of estimating the square's side length, you can solve the equation directly by taking the square root of the given area. In this case, the square root of 45 is approximately 6.7082039325. Therefore, a more accurate side length for the square would be around 6.71 units.

However, it is essential to note that a perfect square cannot have an area of 45 square units. This is because the square of any whole number will always result in a whole number area. For example, a square with a side length of 6 units has an area of 36 square units, while a square with a side length of 7 units has an area of 49 square units. Hence, it is not possible to find a side length that would be perfect for a square with an area of exactly 45 square units.