Which examples characterize the power of the Roman Catholic Church during the medieval period?

(Select all that apply.)

Pope Benedict XIV promoted scientific learning and funded the Vatican Museum.

The Catholic Church restricted what kind of artwork artists could create.

The Catholic Church established its own universities, but only monks could attend.

In 1095, Pope Urban II called for the First Crusade to defend the Holy Land.
I don't know which one

Whats the answer!!!!!

Is the answer b and c?

To determine which examples characterize the power of the Roman Catholic Church during the medieval period, let's review each option.

1. Pope Benedict XIV promoted scientific learning and funded the Vatican Museum.
This option does not accurately characterize the power of the Roman Catholic Church during the medieval period. Pope Benedict XIV lived in the 18th century, which is considered the early modern period, not the medieval period.

2. The Catholic Church restricted what kind of artwork artists could create.
This option accurately characterizes the power of the Roman Catholic Church during the medieval period. The Church played a significant role in commissioning and regulating artwork, often restricting artists to religious themes and subject matters.

3. The Catholic Church established its own universities, but only monks could attend.
This option accurately characterizes the power of the Roman Catholic Church during the medieval period. The Church did establish its own universities, such as the University of Paris and the University of Bologna. However, it is not accurate to say that only monks could attend. While clergy and monks were certainly part of the student population, these universities were open to secular students as well.

4. In 1095, Pope Urban II called for the First Crusade to defend the Holy Land.
This option accurately characterizes the power of the Roman Catholic Church during the medieval period. Pope Urban II's call for the First Crusade was a demonstration of the Church's influence over the political and military affairs of Western Europe.

Based on this analysis, options 2 and 4 are examples that characterize the power of the Roman Catholic Church during the medieval period.

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