Why did Dutch and English landowners force peasants off the land?

to motivate people to emigrate overseas

to use the land in more profitable ways

C. ******
to build cities on what used to be farmland

to build up local cottage industries


to use the land in more profitable ways

China received payment for goods in gold and silver.

Cows, Horses, Sugar
Hope this helps xx

Its B.

MIMI is right because it is sugar

mimi is right



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The correct answer is C. to build cities on what used to be farmland.

Dutch and English landowners forced peasants off the land primarily to convert agricultural land into urban areas and build cities. This was driven by the rapid growth of urban populations and the increasing demand for urban development. Cities offered more opportunities for economic growth, trade, and commerce. Expanding cities required more space, and landowners saw the potential for increased profits by selling or developing the land for urban purposes such as housing, industries, markets, and infrastructure. Consequently, peasants were forcibly displaced from their lands to make way for the expansion of cities and urbanization.

Impact of Global Trade Quick Check

1. What economic system focused on exports and acquiring precious metals?

2. Why did Dutch and English landowners force peasants off the land?
-To use land in more profitable ways

3. Why might China's economy be described as mercantilism during the 1600s?
-China received payment for goods in gold and silver

4. What items brought to the Americas from Europe in the Colombian Exchange changed Native Americans' daily lives? Select the three correct answers.
-Horses, cows, potatoes

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