The Texas constitution of 1836 had shared ideals with the US constitution. Which of the following ideals did the Texas constitution most likely support?

Executive power, Who is the concentration of authority in one leader

Theocracy, for the combination of religious and government power

Federalism, or the division of power between states and the nation

Popular sovereignty, or self-government

I think it’s B or D please check

Go to google and search your question. There is a website that made a comparison on those constitutions. I would provide a link but I am not allowed to link things apparently. Sorry if this does not help.

Thank you

You're welcome :)

To determine which of the ideals the Texas constitution of 1836 most likely supported, we can examine the key principles and features of the document. The Texas Constitution of 1836 was heavily influenced by the U.S. Constitution and reflected many of its ideals.

Let's evaluate the options:

A. Executive power, or the concentration of authority in one leader: The Texas Constitution of 1836 did establish an executive branch, but it limited the power of the governor and divided executive authority among several offices. So, it does not align closely with this ideal.

B. Theocracy, or the combination of religious and government power: The Texas Constitution of 1836 did not establish a theocracy. While religion was acknowledged in the document, it did not combine religious and government power. This option can be eliminated.

C. Federalism, or the division of power between states and the nation: The Texas Constitution of 1836 did support federalism. It emphasized the autonomy of the state of Texas within the United States and outlined a system of government with specific powers assigned to both state and national governments. Thus, this ideal aligns with the 1836 Texas Constitution.

D. Popular sovereignty, or self-government: The Texas Constitution of 1836 did endorse popular sovereignty by vesting power in the people of Texas. It emphasized the consent of the governed and allowed for regular elections. This ideal aligns closely with the document.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Popular sovereignty, or self-government. The Texas Constitution of 1836 most likely supported this principle, as it emphasized the power of the people and their right to self-governance.