A survey of statistics students asked the students for their favorite fast-food restaurant. The results of the survey are provided in the table.

Identify the modal class from the distribution.

Taco Bell------------12
Pizza Hut-----------1

a. Pizza Hut
b. McDonald's
c. Subway
d. KFC

kentucky fried chicken losers

Never a dull moment on jiskha

The answer is indeed KFC, just took the quiz

Well, it looks like the modal class is the one with the highest frequency, which in this case is Subway with 18 votes. So the answer is c. Subway. Looks like those stats students really like their footlongs!

To identify the modal class from the distribution, we need to determine the class with the highest frequency. In this case, the frequency represents the number of students who chose each fast-food restaurant as their favorite.

Looking at the table, we can see that the frequencies for each restaurant are as follows:
- McDonald's: 4
- Taco Bell: 12
- Pizza Hut: 1
- Subway: 18
- KFC: 20

The class with the highest frequency is KFC, with a frequency of 20. Therefore, the modal class from the distribution is KFC.

Mode is the most frequently occurring score. What does that tell you?
