Part A: Solve –mk – 90 > 85 for m. Show your work. (4 points)

Part B: Solve 3c – 5f = 55 for f. Show your work. (6 points)

Thank you so much for the help

Part A:

To solve the inequality –mk – 90 > 85 for m, we need to isolate the variable m.

First, let's start by subtracting 90 from both sides:
–mk – 90 - 90 > 85 - 90

Simplifying, we have:
–mk > -5

Next, we'll divide both sides by -k. However, when dividing by a negative number, we need to remember that the direction of the inequality sign should be reversed.

Dividing both sides by -k and flipping the sign, we get:
m < (-5)/(-k)
m < 5/k

So the solution for m is m < 5/k.

Part B:

To solve the equation 3c – 5f = 55 for f, we need to isolate the variable f.

First, let's start by moving the term containing f to the other side of the equation by adding 5f to both sides:
3c – 5f + 5f = 55 + 5f

Simplifying, we have:
3c = 55 + 5f

Next, we'll subtract 55 from both sides:
3c - 55 = 55 + 5f - 55

Simplifying further, we get:
3c - 55 = 5f

Now, to isolate f, we'll divide both sides by 5:
(3c - 55)/5 = (5f)/5

Simplifying, we have:
(3c - 55)/5 = f

So the solution for f is f = (3c - 55)/5.

–mk – 90 > 85

-mk > 5
mk < -5
If k>0, then m < -5/k
If k<0, then m > -5k

B is easier, but done similarly.