What did Simón Bolívar promise Alexandre Pétion in exchange for weapons and Haitian troops?

to support Pétion’s bid for reelection in Haiti
to end slavery in Venezuela
to invade the Dominican Republic
to promote international trade with Haiti

Am I right?

No, the answer would be to end slavery. Hope this helped you, sry its a late reply.

To find the answer to your question, we can start by researching the historical context of Simón Bolívar and Alexandre Pétion's relationship. Simón Bolívar, a Venezuelan military and political leader, sought support from Alexandre Pétion, the President of Haiti, during the Venezuelan War of Independence.

To understand what Bolívar promised Pétion in exchange for weapons and Haitian troops, we can consult historical sources such as books, articles, or reputable websites. These sources can provide details about the negotiations and agreements between these two figures during that time.

One possible outcome of their arrangement was Bolívar promising to support Pétion's bid for reelection in Haiti. This promise could be seen as a political alliance between the two leaders, with Bolívar providing military assistance to Pétion's regime in return for weapons and troops to aid Venezuela's struggle for independence.

It is worth mentioning that historical events can be complex and have different interpretations depending on the sources you consult. Therefore, it is advisable to delve deeper into the topic using reputable sources to gain a comprehensive understanding.