Which of the following is an effect of the Agricultural Revolution in Middle America?

1- A

2- C
3- A
4- A
5- C
6- C
7- D
8- D
9- democratic, stability
10- B

A for 7. not D but everything else if correct👍

7 is A not D but thanks for the 90%

why would u say something like that

1. A

2. C
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. D
9. Democratic, Stability
10. B

100% I Promise On God

Hi I just took the Middle America Pretest and got a 90% by DragonMaster's answers and if anybody wants the real answers here they are ok hope this helps :)!!!

1.A. People settled down into villages.
2.C. Maya
3.A. New diseases were brought to Middle America.
4.A. It has created more stability.
5.C. Cartels are drug dealers that are responsible for thousands of murders in recent years.
6.C. by building chinampas
7.A. The U.S. placed a trade embargo on Cuba.
8.D. The central plateau
9.democratic and stability
10.B. hurricane

Be careful of these lists of answers without explanations. Sometimes kids deliberately post wrong answers. Sometimes teachers and/or test publishers mix the questions and answer choices up. Sometimes they change them completely!

Be aware!

1- A

2- C
3- A
4- A
5- C
6- C
7- A
8- D
9- democratic, stability
10- B
100% I just took it

✨🎭 This site is the only thing saving my grade honestly- 🎭✨

