1. Write the inequality for the graph. (1 point)

sorry, it will not let me use the image

A. x < 2
B. x (understore <) 2
C. x > 2

2. Write the inequality for the graph.

sorry, it will not let me use the image.

A. x < -4.25
B. x (underscore <) -4.25
C. x (underscore >) -4.25

Graph the solutions to the inequality.
3. y > 2
A. Graph 1- Image Not Shown
B. Graph 2 - Image Not Shown
C. Graph 3 - Image Not Shown

Graph the solutions to the inequality.
4. x (underscore >) -4
A. Graph 1 - Image Not Shown
B. Graph 2 - Image Not Shown
C. Graph 3 - Image Not Shown

Plz help me, i am terrible in math, and hurry plz!

The answers for Lesson 9 Unit 5: Graphing and Writing Inequalities in connections is

1. A
2. B
3. A
4. C

1) A

2) B
3) A
4) C
Hope this helps! :)

Everyone "I Love Dogs" is correct! %100!!!!

Graphing and Writing Inequalities Quick Check:

1. A. x < 2
2. B. x < -4.25
3. A. 2---4----6----8----10>
4. C. -4---- -2-----0-----2-----4-----6-------8------10
Graphic and Writing Inequalities Practice:
1. B. x > 4
2. C. x =/ -4
3. A. Sorry it's a graph
4. B. Sorry It's a graph
5. B. Sorry It's a graph
6. A. Sorry It's a graph
7. B. Sorry It's a graph
8. C. Sorry it's a graph

i need help ples ms.sue or some body else

I Love Dogs & BLACKPINK 100% thxx

I love dogs and BLACKPINK are correct! I got 100% (saying this through wooden teeth) (who gets that reference?)

help- mine has 8 questions!!!

nvm that was the practice test but for the real thing 100 percent :)


I have 8 questions.