What are the following social and economic groups in order from lowest to highest ?

a. serfs
b. nobles
c. clergy
d. merchants
e. artisans
f. knights
g. monarchs

(It has to do with the medieval times in Europe)

Hey, you try first. I bet the monarch is at the top and the serf at the bottom, but you know the rest I am sure.

monarchs, clergy, nobles, knights, merchants, artisans, serfs ?????

Looks pretty good to me.

by the way it said lowest to highest so maybe it wants the reverse order.

To determine the order of social and economic groups from lowest to highest during the medieval times in Europe, we need to consider the feudal social hierarchy.

The feudal system was structured with a pyramid-like hierarchy where individuals' social status was determined by their roles, responsibilities, and privileges. Here is the order of the listed groups from lowest to highest:

1. Serfs: Serfs were at the lowest level of the feudal system. They were peasants who were bound to work the land owned by the nobles. Serfs were not free to leave the land and were obliged to provide labor and a share of their crops to the nobles.

2. Artisans: Artisans were skilled workers who belonged to craft guilds. They included craftsmen such as blacksmiths, carpenters, and weavers. While they were higher in social status compared to serfs, they were not as privileged as the higher-ranked groups.

3. Merchants: Merchants were individuals involved in trade and commerce. They could accumulate wealth through their trading activities. Though they held a higher economic status, they typically did not have the same social standing as the nobles or clergy.

4. Knights: Knights were warriors who held a higher social status than the previously mentioned groups. They were generally given their status by a lord or noble, serving as vassals in exchange for land. Knights were expected to adhere to a code of chivalry.

5. Clergy: The clergy consisted of religious figures, including priests, monks, and bishops. They held significant power and influence in medieval society. The clergy played a crucial role in religious affairs, education, and often had land holdings. Their status was conferred by their religious authority.

6. Nobles: Nobles were a group of wealthy landowners and were positioned just below the monarch. They possessed significant political and social power, overseeing large estates. Nobles often had vassals, including knights, serving them in return for land and protection.

7. Monarchs: At the top of the medieval European social and economic hierarchy were the monarchs. Monarchs, such as kings and queens, held the highest authority and ruled over the entire kingdom. They owned vast lands and wielded ultimate power over all other groups in society.

So, the order from lowest to highest based on social and economic status is: serfs, artisans, merchants, knights, clergy, nobles, and monarchs.