Someone who speaks Spanish well: Am I using the verb forms of “estar” in these 3 sentences correctly, and are there any other grammar mistakes that I can correct? Thanks!

“Tú estás muy bien a matemáticas.”

“Vosotros necessitas estáis en las sillas.”

“Ella está una aburrida persona.”

for the first one if you're trying to say "you're good at math" you might want to rephrase it to "Tu eres buena para las matematicas"

I didn't go over the "vos" that much so I can't be much help for that one.
and for the last one if you're trying to say "she's a boring person" you might want to rephrase it to "ella es una person aburrida" in Spanish it's weird because in English we tend to do the adjective and then the noun, for example "she's a pretty girl" but in Spanish it's the other way around so it would be "ella es un chica bonita"

Ahhh thank you! However, I'm supposed to be using different forms of "estar" in these sentences, and this is the best I could come up with :/ Do you have any ideas? x

To determine if the verb forms of "estar" are used correctly in these sentences and to identify any other grammar mistakes, let's analyze each sentence individually:

1. "Tú estás muy bien a matemáticas."
The correct sentence would be: "Tú estás muy bien en matemáticas."
Explanation: Since "matemáticas" is a subject, we use the preposition "en" to indicate that someone is doing well "in" a subject.

2. "Vosotros necessitas estáis en las sillas."
The correct sentence would be: "Vosotros necesitáis estar en las sillas."
Explanation: "Necessitas" is not a correct form of the verb "necesitar" in Spanish. The correct form for the pronoun "vosotros" is "necesitáis." Also, "estáis" should be replaced with the infinitive form "estar" to indicate the action of being seated. The correct translation would be "You (plural) need to be seated in the chairs."

3. "Ella está una aburrida persona."
The correct sentence would be: "Ella es una persona aburrida."
Explanation: Instead of "está," which indicates a temporary state or condition, we should use the verb "ser" to express someone's permanent characteristic. "Es" is the correct form. Also, in Spanish, adjectives typically follow the noun they describe, so "una persona aburrida" would be the accurate phrasing, meaning "a boring person."

To summarize, the corrected sentences are:

1. "Tú estás muy bien en matemáticas."
2. "Vosotros necesitáis estar en las sillas."
3. "Ella es una persona aburrida."

By paying attention to the correct verb forms and word order, you can improve your Spanish grammar.