How did William Travis contribute to the defense of the Alamo. Select two.

By recruiting troops from the United States

By negotiating a surrender with Santa Anna

By convincing San Houston to send help******

By rallying the morale of other defenders****

she's busy

Ok can you help??

Who's Ms. Sue?

the teacher here

there are other teachers to

Oh Okay thanks, Star

Can you help me??

Yes, you're right

Thank yoy

To determine how William Travis contributed to the defense of the Alamo, we can look at historical records and sources. Travis, a lawyer and soldier, played a significant role in the defense of the Alamo during the Texas Revolution.

1. By recruiting troops from the United States: William Travis was tasked with recruiting troops to defend the Alamo. He traveled to towns in Texas and even as far as New Orleans, Louisiana, to recruit volunteers. His efforts helped to reinforce the Alamo's defenses and bolster its numbers.

To find more information about this, you can consult historical records, books, or articles that discuss William Travis's recruitment activities during the defense of the Alamo.

2. By rallying the morale of other defenders: Travis was known for his strong leadership and ability to inspire others. During the siege of the Alamo, he delivered a famous speech known as the "Victory or Death" letter, in which he called on his fellow defenders to fight until the end. His words ignited a sense of determination and unity among the defenders.

To learn more about Travis's role in rallying the morale of other defenders, you can refer to primary sources such as the "Victory or Death" letter itself or accounts of the defenders who were present at the Alamo.

It's important to note that William Travis did not negotiate a surrender with Santa Anna. Additionally, while Travis did request assistance from Sam Houston and other Texan leaders, it was not specifically mentioned that he convinced Houston to send help. Nonetheless, his actions to recruit troops and uplift the spirits of the defenders were of significant importance during the defense of the Alamo.