Which statement is true?

1. Every rational number is a square root.
2. Every irrational number is a fraction.
3. Every rational number can be written as a fraction.
4. Every square root can be written as a whole number.

I believe the answer is 4, am I correct?


eg. √5 cannot be written as a fraction, that is why they are called irrational.

the word rational comes from "ratio" which has the form a : b or a/b
that is, a fraction.
So read the choices over again, and reach the correct conclusion.


√7 is not a whole number

rational number means it is a ratio -- or fraction

Also, #1, since it is the square root of its square
For example, 2/3 = √(4/9)
However, if they want only one answer, then #3 is best.



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Item 16
A chef has a 2 38-pound salmon filet. He slices the filet into 4-ounce servings.

No, the correct answer is 3. Every rational number can be written as a fraction.

To understand why, let's start by defining what rational numbers and fractions are:
- Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as the ratio of two integers, where the denominator is not zero.
- Fractions, on the other hand, are a way of representing rational numbers using the division operator (/) between two integers, where the denominator is not zero.

Now, to prove that every rational number can be written as a fraction, we can use the definition of rational numbers. Let's consider an arbitrary rational number, say "a/b" where "a" and "b" are integers and "b" is not zero. We can simply express this rational number as a fraction by writing "a/b". Since "a" and "b" are integers, we have successfully written the rational number as a fraction.

Now, let's evaluate the other options:
- Statement 1: Every rational number is a square root. This is incorrect because not all rational numbers can be expressed as a square root. For example, π (pi) is a rational number, but it cannot be expressed as a square root.
- Statement 2: Every irrational number is a fraction. This is incorrect because irrational numbers cannot be represented as fractions. They cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers.
- Statement 4: Every square root can be written as a whole number. This is incorrect because not all square roots can be written as whole numbers. Only perfect square roots (the square roots of perfect squares) can be whole numbers.

Therefore, the correct statement is 3: Every rational number can be written as a fraction.