What is 3xax55x5s+99-6a

You must been writhing something for fun but this is incorrect because you have more than 2 letters by each other which is called Illegal characters.

no it is on a quick check. the answers are trick question -98 85 -4

Well, be VERY focus on the words they write so they can trick yo. JUST friendly advice

To simplify the expression 3xax55x5s+99-6a, we can follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, and Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

First, we should look for any parentheses or grouping symbols, but there are none in this expression.

Next, we can simplify any exponents, but there are no exponents in this expression either.

Now, let's address the multiplication. In the expression, we have several terms that involve multiplication: 3xa, x5, and 5s. Multiplication is performed before addition and subtraction, so we can simplify these terms before moving on.

Multiplication of constants:
3 x 99 = 297

Multiplication involving variables:
a x a = a^2 (a raised to the power of 2)

Multiplication involving variables and constants:
5 x a x 5 = 25a

Multiplication involving variables:
x x 5 x s = 5xs

Now, we can rewrite the expression:
3xa^2 + 25a x 5s + 297 - 6a

Finally, we can combine like terms. In this expression, we have terms with the variable 'a' and terms without 'a'.

Terms containing 'a':
3xa^2 - 6a

Terms without 'a':
25a x 5s + 297

So, the simplified expression is:
3xa^2 - 6a + 25a x 5s + 297